Tuesday 31 January 2005

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Awake: 5:05am Temp 35 Light snow Overnight @ Nicktown

We exercise @ the community center for 50 min…..then attend the communion
service by Sister Lee. And then, we join the spirited coffee club members
for an hour & help celebrate Al’s 65th birthday. Because of Al’s
popularity, our conference table was full; extra chairs set elsewhere in
the room to accommodate the added members & distinguished guests, some of
whom brought yummy, edible birthday treats.

After breakfast in our coach, I make a quick trash run & post office
mailing. And while Kathy prepares some healthy snacks for our afternoon
visitors, I run through more slides of our cruise to rid out the weak &
superfluous shots.

@ 1:10pm Florentz & Anna arrive. Finally, with our busy schedule & their
busy schedule, we find an afternoon for a visit. After a lot of catching
up with each other, Kathy brings out the healthy snacks, I bring out the
wine & then we crank up the slide show of our 62 day Asian Pacific cruise.
Not wanting to put anyone to sleep, especially Kathy, we take a few pauses
for further conversation along the way to the finish. I must admit, F & A
also were very kind to us during this picture show & almost stayed awake
the entire time. We enjoyed spending time with them again.

7:30 dinner: Leftover lasagna & mustard pork medallions.

Mid evening: watch 30 min of video from the Foote collection: “The wedding
Singer” with Adam Sandler & Drew Barrymore.

Late evening: watch our President George W. Bush’s: “State of the Union

High today: 35 Lights out: 10:23pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 6, 2006 2:48 PM.

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