Tuesday 24 January 2006

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Awake: 5:44am Temp 25 Early sunshine…..then clouds Overnight @ Nicktown.

Again I pour water over our windshield before driving to 8:00am
Mass…..then spend 70 min with the distracted coffee club members. After
breakfast, I make a number of phone calls: DirecTV being one of them;
seems that our account has been in limbo due to a not so good copy of our
motorhome registration that I had sent. I knew that one edge was not quite
as visible as it could have been but still readable? In talking with them,
I learned that the copy had been rejected & they will send out another
form to be filled out to send back with a perfect copy of our registration
this time. Fussy….fussy! So it’s back to Carol’s business to utilize her
copy machine. It took me 3 tries to get that perfect copy but I have it

5:50 pm dinner: Leftover lasagna, spinach salad & toast.

Mid evening: it’s snowing & blowing….followed by lighting & thunder; Rare
for this time of year but not extremely rare.

High today 41 Lights out: 10:38pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 2, 2006 2:55 PM.

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