Thursday 9 February 2006

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Awake: 5:23am Temp 18 Snow showers….then partly sunny Overnight @

Drive to the community center & then attend the 8:00am communion service
by Sister Lee. Afterward, we join the amiable coffee club members for 40

Early afternoon, I thought I’d try & level our coach by the push button
method which, earlier this week, had been tripping the reset breaker each
time. Well, wouldn’t you know it……it worked like a charm? That’s that cold
weather syndrome again. Having a 75 watt drop light in that compartment
seems to have solved the problem but we’ll casually keep an eye on it

7:02pm dinner: Sweet & sour pork chops, brown rice, broccoli, mixed salad
& toast.

Mid evening: Watch “Dancing with the Stars on regular TV.”

Later evening: Watch ½ of a DVD movie from the Barnesboro library
collection: “The Family Man.”

High today: 28 Lights out: 10:46pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 12, 2006 2:14 PM.

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