Thursday 26 January 2006

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Awake: 5:25am Temp 21 Light snow showers Overnight @ Nicktown

Leave @ 7:02am; no water necessary for the windshield for a change. Drive
Kathy over to Miners Medical Center in Hastings (17 min) for the 7:30
appointment to have her colon checked. I elect not to hang out until she’s
finished but do make arrangements for them to call me when I can pick her

Meanwhile, I drive back to Nicktown & attend 8:00am Mass…..then join the
composed coffee club members for 45 min of good discussions. Back to the
bus @ 9:45; just as I am finishing my breakfast, the call comes thru to
pick Kathy up.

When I find her room in the Medical Center, I am surprised to see that she
has visitors: Rosemary & Gary. I compliment them on their thoughtfulness
of coming all the way from Hastings to spend 15 min visiting Kathy. What a
nice couple! Kathy is feeling fine & already the doctor informs her that
her colon checks out good. We are back to our bus @ 11:10am.

The afternoon turned out to be a quiet one. Kathy started to crank up her
galley kitchen bakery to make some healthy cookies but then….she felt
tired. I encouraged her to lie down & take a break….4 hrs later she
returned to making those cookies.

7:05pm dinner: Kathy’s homemade crab cakes, 3 rice pilaf, & salad.

Sometime before dinner, Kathy bent over to get something & her back went
out! Not good!

8:00 pm: We watch “Dancing with the Stars.”

High today: 33 Lights out: 10:34pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 2, 2006 3:08 PM.

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