Saturday 28 January 2006

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Awake: 5:00am Temp 32 Clear Overnight @ Nicktown

Drive to 8:00am Mass….skip the coffee club meeting…..have a quick
breakfast & drive to Indiana & visit the Footes. I tried the laundry plan
for today in the event we had something else planned for Monday &
Tuesday…..but there were too many things going on this morning for Melissa
to make the necessary preparations. Instead, K & I do the grocery shopping
for the Footes @ Martin’s during Matthew’s nap time. This was a new store
for K to get familiar with so we were in there for 1.7 hrs or more & I was
very patient.

Back to the Foote home @ 2:00pm. Matthew & I play in their back yard for
over an hr while Kathy & Melissa have a good chat and care for Andrew.
Kevin continues to remove hardwood flooring from the upstairs bathroom.
We return to our bus by 5:00pm.

Our time with the Footes went too fast & I found myself working outside in
the dark when we returned: changing the large primary filter in our pump
house took some time, then changing the small primary filter in our
portable unit (which I discovered didn’t really need changing) went
quickly. I topped off the pure water holding tank, returned the hoses to
their proper storage place & came back inside. It’s cold out there!

I had asked Kathy to get the weather forecast on TV during my outside time
but my timing was perfect to watch the weather report in person. Heavy
rain predicted for early morning. Oh oh! That adhesive plastic cover that
I sealed over the paper towel for our closet skylight just 9 days ago
developed a leak; perhaps due to the cold temp of the roof at the time or
strong winds caught a weak corner & peeled a section up….whatever, it’s
leaking & that has to be stopped.

As much as I don’t want to, I will have to go back outside. Kathy has
dinner ready now but it’ll wait. I amaze myself: I am grumbling about
having to do this fix in the dark with the cold & wind ……getting the
telescoping ladder out, the roll of adhesive plastic, the Cutco scissors,
Scotch tape, paper towel & my flashlight. Kathy being the smart thinker,
suggests that in lieu of holding that flashlight while working up on the
roof with towel, scissors, tape etc., why not use your Princeton Tec
headlamp the Footes gave you for Christmas a few yrs ago? Bingo! My bad
attitude changed immediately; I had forgotten how handy that unit is for
working in the dark. Yes it was windy up there, cold & dark but I could
see real well & did that job better than the last time plus it took less
than 30 min. I thanked my dear wife profusely for that very timely

8:00pm dinner: Pork tenderloin in gravy with rice, broccoli & salad.

Late evening: we begin watching a video from the Foote collection: “Made
for each Other” but someone who insisted she could stay awake….didn’t!


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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 5, 2006 8:28 AM.

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