Saturday 18 February 2006

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Awake: 5:58am Temp 20 Light snow Overnight @ Nicktown

I stay inside the coach most of the day: organizing papers, reading
magazines, etc., even spent some time with a cross word puzzle. I was on
standby for a call from Kevin if he was ready to do some electrical wiring
plus visiting a co-worker of his to check out an air conditioning system
that they are considering installing soon. However, neither function
materialized this time.

Mid afternoon, Kathy makes a quick trip to Barnesboro: returning books &
movies @ the library plus donating some used clothing from both of our
closets to the Goodwill Thrift Store. The temp is really falling.

We attend the 6:00pm vigil Mass @ Nicktown…very crowded.

8:30 dinner: Nut crusted swordfish, baked potato, broccoli, mixed salad &

Late evening: watch ½ of the video movie from the Barnesboro library
collection: “Chocolat.”

High today: 20 Lights out: 11:32pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 24, 2006 12:06 PM.

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