Saturday 11 February 2006

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Awake: 5:26am Temp 24 Overcast, then light snow Overnight @ Nicktown

Drive to the community center & join the casual coffee club members for 40
min. Kathy brings her freshly made zucchini chocolate chip muffins which
were well received. No Mass or communion service this morning so we are
back to our bus @ 9:50am.

Melissa & Kevin have company @ their place from D.C…Kevin’s sister, Billie
Ann, and her friend, we won’t be visiting them this weekend.

After breakfast, we return (2) movies to the Barnesboro library & take out
(5) more in the event we get snowbound….then we continue to Johnstown &
purchase a 7” Tile/Stone wet laser saw with stand for Kevin requested by
him for his home project. Next, a short visit to the Goodwill store on
Scalp Ave, then some grocery shopping @ Conzatti’s Italian store &
Wal-Mart before returning to our bus by 4:50pm.

We attend 6:00pm vigil Mass @ Nicktown. Back @ our bus, my sister Corinne
calls from Silver Springs, MD & we have a nice chat. She is doing great!

8:30 dinner: Italian sausage with green peppers, whole wheat fettuccini,
mixed salad & toast.

Late evening, we finish watching the movie: “The Thomas Crown Affair”
Another must see movie.

High today: 30 Lights out: 11:22pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 17, 2006 6:56 PM.

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