Friday 3 February 2006

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Awake: @ 5:24am Temp 41 Rain Overnight @ Nicktown

Drive to the community center & join the elated coffee club members for 50
min; then attend the 9:30am children’s Mass.

@ 3:20pm we drive to Barnesboro & meet with the same banker as yesterday
to finalize that special one year CD deal. This bank usually gives a new
customer a generous gift for opening a new account, however we have been
with this bank @ another branch for 3 yrs or more so in lieu of a generous
gift, we ask for a “Terrible Towel” …..a Pittsburgh Steelers trademark. Oh

For the next hr, I tour Kathy around some of the areas of Barnesboro &
Spangler that neither of us has seen in decades.

5:15 dinner @ the Spangler Fire Hall: Cod fish, noodles, potatoes, green
beans, etc. It was a nice buffet including dessert. We agreed to meet
shortly after 5:00 with some of our gang from Nicktown & we all showed up.
Back to our bus @ 7:35.

My brother calls from Ebensburg: Our favorite & last uncle passed away
late last night in Ohio. He was 88 yrs of age & a really good guy. He will
be missed without a doubt. We’ll be making a trip to Massillon, Ohio
within the next few days.

Late evening: Watch DVD movie from the Foote collection: “Angry
Management” with Adam Sandler & Jack Nicholson. Surprisingly entertaining!

High today: 42 Lights out: 11:07pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 9, 2006 7:58 AM.

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