Wednesday 11 January 2006

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Awake: 6:01am Temp 43 Mostly cloudy Overnight @ Nicktown.

Drive to the community center ---exercise 55 min, then join the scant
coffee club members for 45 min before attending the 9:30 am children’s
Mass with Father Larry.

A form with instructions arrives via US mail this morning from Direct TV.
I waste little time in filling out the form, then visit a nearby business
where Carol lets me make a copy of my vehicle registration to confirm our
owning a motorhome where we will be using the DNS (distant network
service)along with their regular service.

After 1:00pm, I call my cousin Bernie & ask if he would like to have a
couple of visitors this afternoon? “Come on down” he says, “your timing is
good as Rita is here too.” For the next 3 hrs, we are entertained by
Bernie plus his sisters Ethel & Rita.

As I was talking with Bernie, I couldn’t help noticing a picture on the
wall behind him of a beautiful winter scene. Strange though, the
rectangular framed picture appeared to have wrinkles or seemed a bit wavy
to me. Being alert to my staring, Bernie finally said: “How do you like
my picture? It’s my idea, I call it Popcorn Art!” He literally has taken a
large popcorn can that had pictures painted on the side, cut the bottom
section away, straightened out the rest & mounted it in his own homemade
frame. He had 6 or more of this popcorn art hung throughout the house. We
thought they were quite creative & attractive.

7:06 dinner: Italian sausage, whole wheat noodles, spaghetti sauce, mixed
salad & toast.

After the dishes are washed & dried, we watch 2 videos from Bernie’s
collection: “More Than Just Our Daily Bread,” the story of the Gristmill @
Saint Vincent’s College in Latrobe, PA & the making of unleavened bread &
other good breads. Next film: “How a Car Is Built.” From start to finish,
a 1995 Ford Mustang is followed through the production line @ the factory.
Both films were quite interesting.

High today: 46 Lights out: 10:10pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 18, 2006 11:51 AM.

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