Monday 2 January 2006

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Awake: @ 5:30am Temp 35 Gentle rain all day Overnight @ Nicktown, PA.

My throat hurts……it hurt a little yesterday before leaving for Indiana &
Pittsburgh….so now I am bracing myself for a cold. We planned on doing a
little shopping today so I’ll have to be tough. Our shopping time @ 7
stores total 4.5 hrs which includes travel time. We return to the bus @

I am not feeling so hot… a matter of fact, I am cold so I lie down &
use the heating pad to warm up.

7:15 dinner: Ivar’s clam chowder, spinach salad & toast.

My nurse tries to comfort my uncomfortableness…..but the throat is very
sore. I have a good idea where this latest bug came from…. & that guy is
feeling much better now! I am glad for that however, cause I love him a


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