Wednesday 21 December 2005

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Awake: 6:50am Temp 18 Light snow Overnight@ Nicktown, PA.

During the night & throughout the morning, the heating pad becomes my
newest best friend. My stomach continues to complain so I would rather
just lie around & stay in our coach today in lieu of visiting the kids.
But I do encourage Kathy to drive to Indiana, deliver the firewood, fill
the Foote’s cupboard with groceries, shop with Katrina, help prepare
dinner, etc., & she reluctantly agrees to do so.

Throughout the day, I begin to feel better & actually napped a little here
& there. Mid afternoon, I spent some time on the computer using the card
reader deleting & sorting through our cruise photos.

Kathy returns around 5:00pm with a disgusted look on her face…then I find
out: she was backing into our circular drive, wandered off the road & got
stuck in the unplowed snow in the 4 wheel drive Suzuki. It was like “white
out” conditions outside. I had difficulty backing in our driveway myself.

7:05 dinner for me: a cup of chicken bouillon with oyster crackers. For
Kathy: the rest of the left over stew and left over eggplant.

After dinner, I set up the Sony camera to have a slide show on our plasma TV.

I am feeling much better.

High temp today: 25 Lights out: 11:14pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 26, 2005 5:32 AM.

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