Thursday 8 December 2005

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Awake: 6:45am Temp 47 High scattered clouds Overnight@ San Diego, CA

Kathy remarks how wonderful it is to sleep in bed without her body moving
from head to toe to head to toe all night and without the noise of the
wind and sea hitting the ship.
Late morning, we visit with Larry & Sally & thank them again for watching
our coach & helping set up the slide show last night. They are driving up
to Los Angeles today & leaving around noon time.

We still have some odds & ends type shopping to do today so just before
noon, we drive down Ingriham Street to the Sports Arena area where Kathy
returns a blouse she hasn’t worn. Next, a quick stop @ Ralph’s & Baron’s &
Vons for groceries…then to Costco for more groceries and much snacking
before returning to the bus around 5:00pm.

7:30pm Dinner: Tuna salad & toast.
Evening time…we watch a Turner Classic movie: “Executive Suite” with
William Holden. A show with a good message!

Call Katrina….leave message. Call Zack: We take turns talking & sharing
over an hr of conversation. He has moved out of his apartment & into a
rental house on Queen Anne Hill with 3 roommates & likes his new hangout.

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 14, 2005 4:16 AM.

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