Monday 19 December 2005

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Awake: 6:06am Temp 18 Light snow Overnight@ Nicktown, PA.

We join the cool coffee club gang this morning for 1.5 hrs of “what’s been
happening around here!” It was good to see & talk with some of the gang

Today is Matthew’s 2 yr birthday. We decide to occasionally bring the
Footes some firewood on our daily visits….so @ 3:15pm, we meet with Al @
his portable garage, transfer a small amount of dry wood to our Suzuki &
drive to the Foote home.

6:30 dinner: Chicken schnitzel, white & wild rice & broccoli. For dessert,
Melissa had made a school bus cake on the occasion of Matthew’s birthday &
we have a choice of: Bryers-Mint chocolate chip…. or Turkey Hill- Mint
chocolate chip.

Matthew chooses to eat some candy lettering & a section of the front tire.
He only opened 2 of his gifts out of 8. He liked the first & second one so
much; he just wanted to play with those 2 & not open any more tonight.

Back to the bus @ 8:45….it’s very cold outside but, nice & warm inside.

High temp today: 23 Lights out: 10:49pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 25, 2005 5:19 AM.

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