Saturday 1 October 2005

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Awake: 6:19am Temp 67 Overcast Overnight @ San Diego, CA.

Mid morning, I call my sister Mary Jo in Lodi, CA. We talk things over for
about 20 min & then Kathy takes her turn. They are doing fine.

Around 10:00pm Larry strolls by as he is walking the dogs. He has the
morning newspaper & shows us an ad from Fry’s Electronics: A (1-GB) memory
stick for our digital camera for a very reasonable price & I am
interested. Kathy calls for directions & we are on our way to the store
(20min) & make the purchase.

Early afternoon, we visit Larry & Sally in their motorhome for over an hr.
Larry has a similar digital camera as do we, so I pick his brain on some
highly technical issues.

Late afternoon: K & I attend 5:30 Mass @ Saint Brigid Church on Cass
Street, then back to the bus for dinner.

8:00pm dinner: Chicken & broccoli in cheese sauce, mixed salad + garlic

Watch movie on cable: “Sunset Boulevard” with William Holden & Gloria
Swanson. Quite the interesting movie!

High temp today=75 Lights out: 11:52pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on October 2, 2005 6:46 AM.

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