Awake: 5:35am Temp 62 Partly cloudy Overnight @ Denver, CO
Call our campground in San Diego & change our arrival time to 3 days earlier.
Kathy would like to go shopping this morning, but I would rather hang
around the campground….actually I am burned out on shopping @ the moment.
So she takes off to do some light grocery shopping + visit the MotoPhoto
store, etc.
During my casual morning, I happen to glance toward the southwest & see
some dark clouds building & moving northeast. I take this as a hint to
make ready for travel tomorrow….by getting out the ladder, sweeping the
dust & leaves off the slide tops, then retracting all 4 slides; cleaning
off the awning; checking all tires for proper tire pressure & stowing the
extra outside water filters into the basement. Just as these chores are
finished, rain drops start falling on my head…..about 10 min later, a
heavy downpour. Now I am glad to have passed up that offer to go shopping.
Katrina calls from her school…..we agree to meet @ the Macaroni Grill for
dinner @ 6:30pm…..same place we ate last Saturday. We like this
restaurant: you can create your own meal with a lot of options & the price
is right. Since we won’t be in the states for Katrina’s birthday in
October & with the help of the restaurant servers, we celebrate her
birthday a little early with a chocolate cake & a candle + a waitress
singing an Italian “Happy Birthday song.” We eat & talk for 3 hrs, then
say our goodbyes for now. It’s been a terrific week here in Denver:
especially spending time with our daughter Katrina, seeing her apartment,
her neighborhood, her school & her like new car purchase. And…hanging out
with Tom, Marge & their daughter Kathy & seeing other members of their
En route back to our campground, we purchase fuel for the Suzuki…in the
event the latest hurricane RITA does some serious damage to the refineries
in Houston, TX.
Today’s high time=78 Lights out: 11:53pm
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