Saturday 3 September 2005

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Awake: 5:40am Temp 55 Partly cloudy Overnight @ Nicktown, PA

After a quick breakfast, we drive to Gary & Rosemary’s place & arrive
there @ 8:30am. They are having a “moving party” & we are honored to be
invited. Rosemary’s brother Rick brought a flatbed trailer with him as a
party favor & this, alone, made the party a huge success.

We moved items from their detached double garage to their new home with an
attached double garage. The party was over much too soon….10:00am. We did
miss the 1st hour of fun by not getting there by 7:30am. Anyway, to make
up for that, we took the time to relax outside & enjoy some good
conversation with Rick, Gary & Rosemary + have some coffee with cookies
before leaving & heading back to Nicktown.

En route we couldn’t resist stopping in Patton where they were having a
street fair. We perused the arts & crafts displays, then sat down &
enjoyed some local pizza while listening to some good music. Back to the
bus @ 12:20pm.

Next I call Clymer Rental & talk with Connie who sets me up with a 26 inch
Brush mower. I have tried to hire someone local here to cut the tall weeds
on our property with a tractor & bush hog to no avail. So, I might as well
do it myself.

In less than an hr @ 1:20pm, Ed delivers the machine. Obviously I didn’t
ask enough questions during my renting conversation with Connie: when I
saw the machine, I was a little surprised that it had neither a seat nor a
steering wheel. I will get some walking time doing this job.

Ed gave a few simple instructions & drove off in his truck. I spend 1.5
hrs on the high grass (about 4 ft tall & higher) around our circular
drive, then clean up & K & I attend 4:00pm mass. Then, after changing into
my jungle clothes, I spend another 2.5 hrs walking behind the machine.
The "Brute" works very well & we'll spend some more time together on

9:00pm dinner: Alaska salmon burgers, cucumbers in cream sauce, (4)
variations of fried green tomatoes & toast.

High today=71 Lights out: 11:37pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 6, 2005 3:24 PM.

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