Saturday 10 September 2005

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Awake: 5:23am Temp 53 Clear Overnight @ Nicktown, PA

K & I walk to 8:00am mass….then check the post office for mail & return
back to our coach @ 8:45am. No coffee club for us today!

Call & leave a message for my bro Don in Ebensburg….saying goodbye for
now. Gary C. calls to wish us a safe & fun trip.

We have a quick cereal breakfast, reel in the shore power cord, stow the
telephone land line in our basement, wrap the electrical box on site # 1
for winter & shut down the circuit breakers. Our nearest neighbor Chuck
walks over to bid us farewell & witness the departure process.

@ 9:50am we leave Nicktown & start traveling west. As we are motoring
along I-70, Kathy gets a couple of cell phone calls: Bill from Anchorage &
my sister Mary Jo from Lodi, CA. She talks about 1 hr 15 min total. It’s
very convenient having cell phone coverage during our highway travels.

We arrive @ the Beaver Valley Resort in South Charleston, Ohio (near
Springfield) @ 3:40pm. A very large campground & big rig friendly but also
extremely dated.

Today’s travel: 5+40 time 310.5 miles 35.88 gal 8.66 mpg 55.0
avg speed.

7:15 dinner: Tuna salad with fresh tomatoes, cucumbers in sour cream & toast.

After dinner, we walk the campground in its entirety…. & it literally
takes us 45 min.

Today’s high temp= upper 80’s Lights out: 10:23pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on September 12, 2005 7:30 PM.

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