Monday 29 August 2005

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Awake: 5:30am Temp 63 High thin clouds Overnight @ Nicktown, PA

Walk to 8:00am mass…..then join the cultured coffee group for just a short
time. Kathy then exercises while I walk back to the bus & make a phone
call to Larry & see if his drilling team will show up today. “He will try”
he says. “Mid afternoon if all goes well” no pun intended.

Having this info, I return to the community center & join Kathy for 55 min
of exercise.

It was about 3:30pm when Larry called: “my guys are in Nicktown with the
drilling equipment. Maybe you could go find them & lead them to your
property.” Hey, who’s he kidding? Find that little drilling rig & water
truck in a busy metropolitan area like this? Took me about 3 min…..but
then, I got lucky.

I spotted their rigs in the post office parking lot…led them to our
circular drive & pinpointed the exact spot to be drilled. Bill, the drill
rig operator & his helper Justin position their equipment to the spot we
think will work for us. While they are doing that, I move our bus far
enough away so that we don’t get splattered in the event they find a
gusher of oil.

Bill’s assistant Justin hadn’t been feeling well over the weekend & this
afternoon, he is really hurting. So Bill sets the rig up, drills down to
bedrock (26 ft), & then installs a 6 inch casing + dumps in some
bensonite(sp) which seals the casing to the bedrock. He lowers the
drilling tower down for the night & they tell us to look for them around
8:30am tomorrow.

While Kathy makes dinner, I go to the Waterfalls and fill our 19 gallon
jugs. As we begin getting ready to pour the water into the holding tank, a
light drizzle begins and the sky looks ominous so we decide to postpone
the pouring of the water.

6:15 dinner: Leftover Italian sausage, egg plant casserole with sour cream
& toast.

Shortly after dinner, heavy rain begins falling & stays with us throughout
the evening. We call my sister Corinne: she is very much into the program
set forth by the administrator and she sounds good.

We call Gary & Grace in Kemblesville & thank them again for their
hospitality & good times. I still don’t understand how Gary was able to
get such an elaborate & eloquent motor home for such a low price?

High temp today=72 Lights out: 11:48pm

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