Tuesday 16 August 2005

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Awake: 6:02am Temp 67 Light rain Overnight @ Nicktown, PA

Kathy drives the Suzuki & attends 8:00am mass this morning. She will join
the coffee group and then go to the Nicktown hall where she will help make
noodles for sale at the Nicktown Homecoming Festival on Sept. 4th

I stay in the motorhome & hang around for when the gravel trucks to
arrive…. & they do @ 8:30am along with Jim & 2 helpers: Jerry & Colby.
Each truck has approximately 20 tons of modified 2A stone. They dump their
load while moving to spread the load evenly around part of our circular
drive. Then Jerry uses the skid loader (like a bobcat) & levels the
gravel. These 2 truck loads were not enough to adequately cover our entire
driveway so in a few days when the rain stops, they will return with 2
more loads.

I call my sister Corinne in Maryland…we talk for 30 min or more about her
program & how she is adjusting, etc. This is day 8 for her.

Kathy returns from her noodle making volunteer job @ the Nicktown hall @
1:30pm. She brought me some of the turkey noodle soup with mashed potatoes
that they had for for lunch…. it was very good.

About 3:00pm, I make another run for water…13 gal. Unfortunately, just as
I arrived at the waterfalls, a fellow was there who had just started
filling his 210 gallon tank….his well was dry so he fills the 210 gallon
tank & drains that into his well & has been doing this about every week. I
have to wait close to 40 min before filling our jugs which takes about 10
min or less…..but hey, I’m not complaining. It’s excellent water, it’s
free & it’s only 2 miles from our property.

Back to our motorhome where Kathy helps me pour the water into our pure
water tank.

6:30 dinner: Some more of that delicious noodle soup Kathy brought from
the Nicktown hall earlier….then a BLT sandwich using Florentz’s home grown

High temp today=68 Lights out: 10:18pm

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