Friday 12 August 2005

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Awake: 5:55am Temp 68 High thin clouds Overnight @ Nicktown, PA

We walk to 8:00am mass….then join the local coffee group afterwards. Kathy
shows the Nick & Eriko wedding photos. Frank Presto joins us + his
homeless sister-in-law, Teresa. She was a class behind me in high school
but I don’t remember her. She sold her house in Missouri, has traveled
extensively through the greater part of the world & will be spending 5
months in France studying the language before looking for a home in New
England to be somewhat near her daughter & son. Anyway it was fun talking
with another wandering gypsy like ourselves.

After breakfast, we make phone calls to find a local notary & a place to
have visa passport photos taken.

Call my cousin Florentz & expose our dry well theory…he will schedule a
time to personally check this out.

Drive to the Nicktown hill (3 min) & have Cindy as our notary for getting
the Lexus registered. Then drive to Ebensburg (15 min) & get our mug shots
for our visa’s @ the sheriff’s office in the county courthouse….then some
light shopping @ Wal-Mart & Giant Eagle. Back to our bus @ 3:45pm.

Melissa calls: She would like to rendezvous in Carrolltown @ 1:00pm tomorrow.

6:30 dinner: BLT’s with fresh tomatoes from Florentz & cucumber salad.

Late evening: we call our ole friend Mary in Anchorage. We’ve been
bad….it’s probably been 1.5 yrs since talking with her. She & we were
delighted to make contact again.

High temp today=85 Lights out: 11:34pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on August 22, 2005 5:26 PM.

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