Tuesday 28 June 2005

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Awake: 6:01am Temp 57 Partly sunny Overnight @ Ashland, OR

Kathy watches her favorite morning TV programs while I spend some time on
our computer.

After lunch, we decide the day is right & we are in good enough shape to
go mountain climbing. Considering all the campground walking we’ve done +
stair climbing in Port Angeles…we are ready for higher heights. So @
3:00pm, we start driving up toward Mount Ashland, elevation 7,533 ft.,
park our Suzuki @ about the 5,000 ft level & begin our hike to the top.
About an hr & 1.5 miles later, we are @ the peak. Only 3 other persons are
@ the peak this afternoon: An 87 yr old fellow who drove nearly all the
way up is standing on a ladder taking 360 degree photos; he has been
patiently waiting for a clear day like today + David & Michelle, who
slowly jogged up a few miles further than the distance that we walked. We
ask D & M to take our picture with Mount Shasta in the background, and
then we take their picture. Next the very senior fellow amongst us asks to
have his picture taken while standing on his ladder with Mount Shasta in
the background. It felt good for us to do some vertical hiking for a
change + it was an absolutely beautiful & clear afternoon. After walking
back to our Suzuki, we return to our bus @ 6:45pm.

8:25 dinner: Baked salmon with sweet peppers & oregano, whole wheat pasta
with fresh tomatoes, olive oil, lemon & parmesan cheese + warm pecan
cabbage slaw & garlic toast.

Late evening: Kathy spends time on our computer.

Also tonight, we received a voice mail from Kevin: They were in Fort
Nelson on Monday evening & their travels are going much better.

High temp today: 76 Lights out: 11:05pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 1, 2005 8:51 AM.

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