Monday 4 July 2005

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Awake: 5:53am Temp 56 Clear Overnight @ Mt Shasta City, CA

Kathy does a load of laundry this morning….because of our 30 amp shore
power, I run the diesel generator for the 40 min of drying time. With the
generator running, she also browns some meat on the cook top stove & I
heat up the aqua hot reservoir.

@ 12:45pm we drive into town (5 min) & find an outside stairway with a
good view of the parade route along Mt Shasta Blvd …also, our stairway
hangout is half in the sun & half shaded…I take the shade. Every time I
attend one of these old fashion, small town parades I get a little
nostalgic & start reminiscing about my own home town parades during the
50’s & how excited we would get. Today, my excitement level is under
control but my curiosity level is high. People are lined up on both sides
of the street for at least a mile. The town’s policemen are keeping the
crowd close to the curbs & the young kids are testing their limits.

The parade was good…but not as good as those jolly days during the 50’s.
Afterward, we drive to the north end of town to the city park again. This
time, my wallet is opened for the Rotary Club & we feast on a BBQ chicken
breast, baked beans, spaghetti with meatless sauce & a salad….this is our

Early evening: we watch a double feature on cable while munching on
popcorn: “Saboteur,” a 1942 Alfred Hitchcock action packed thriller…. &
“Andy Hardy Meets A Debutante,” a good, wholesome, family style, small
town USA story.

Today’s high temp=84 Lights out: 11:38pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on July 9, 2005 11:24 AM.

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