Wednesday 1 June 2005

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Awake: 7:00am Temp 53 Cloudy Overnight @ Chimacum, WA

We’ve been in this campground for 12 days now &, today, I learned
something new. 1st of all, I’ve made 3 different attempts this morning to
get into the e-mail room (every 30 min) to no avail + carrying our
computer & umbrella because of threatening rain I might add. Each time,
someone was either using the phone or modem line. On my 3rd visit, Ed the
assistant manager of the park says: “Monte, why don’t you try using the
other e-mail room in the clubhouse?” “There’s another e-mail room?” I

Late afternoon, the sun shines & we walk the campground for 1 hr of exercise.

Late afternoon, I call John in Vancouver, WA & wish him a “happy 72nd
birthday.” Both John & his wife Shirley sound like they are doing well.
Soon we plan on a visit with them.

7:30 Dinner: Chicken stir-fry , spinach salad & toasted garlic bread.

Nick calls after 9:00pm. He’ll be free Friday evening & wonders if we
would like to get together in Seattle. “You bet!” I tell him. He will call
Zack & pass the word. 30 min later, Zack calls to let us know that he is
keeping Friday open for our visit.

Late evening: Watch movie from the video library: “Grand Canyon” with
Steve Martin…. a reminder of the harsh realities of contemporary urban
life in a BIG city, & yes, it was worth watching...and Kathy did stay

Today’s high temp=64 Lights out: 12:18am

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