Sunday 26 June 2005

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Awake: 6:35am Temp 58 Clear…then cloudy Overnight @ Ashland, OR

After breakfast we talk about walking around this county park to enjoy its
beauty & activities. Before we leave the coach however, we call Katrina in
Anchorage & leave a message.

During our 1 hr walk, she returns our call. One might say: we talked the
walk, we walked the walk & we walked & talked! I know it’s goofy but I
couldn’t resist.

There is a lot of activity around the lake & in the lake today: Power
boats, sail boats, pontoon boats, ski-doos, canoes, crew teams practicing,
& fishing boats. Families are having picnic lunches and dinners, kids are
swimming in the roped off swimming area. We can see all of this happening
from our motor home & during our walk.

Katrina is doing her last hr packing: she’ll leave her condo this evening
to be at the airport for her 12:05am flight to Denver tomorrow. She’ll
spend a little over a week in Denver, attending a teacher’s conference &
maybe looking for housing. Then fly to Minnesota to attend a friend’s
wedding, followed by a flight to California to be a bridesmaid in another
friend’s wedding, and finally she will join us in San Francisco on July
17th to begin our flight to Japan on the 18th….busy girl.

6:15 dinner: Parmesan crusted fried chicken, homemade coleslaw, tomato and
mozzarella fans, + garlic bread.

@ 7:15pm we drive into Ashland & listen to the free music preformed in the
courtyard…then walk into the Angus Bowmer Theatre for the 8:30 play: “Room
Service.” We picked another good seating area & a great, entertaining

If laughter is the best medicine, then tonight’s heavy dosage of comedy
should keep us healthy for a long time. It was a really funny performance.

High temp today=78 Lights out: 12:36am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 29, 2005 7:20 AM.

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