Sunday 19 June 2005

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Awake: 6:15am Temp 56 Clear Overnight @ Portland, Oregon

Kathy makes sourdough pancakes with bacon & eggs for my Father’s day

@ 11:00am Darren, Leslie, their son Josh & daughter Meredith visit us @
our campground site. They haven’t seen a motor home like ours before so I
give them the special basement tour 1st, opening all the secret doors &
powering out the auxiliary generator to try to keep their interest alive.
The children actually have several questions. Then Kathy gives them an
inside tour & does her best at using the distraction method when pushing
buttons or moving toggle switches.

We sit in the living room & talk for hrs. Josh & Meredith give us riddles
to solve & tell us some….not too shabby, homemade jokes. These kids are
sharp & Meredith is so cute with her: “I have a question” routine.

Around noon time, Katrina calls from Anchorage for my special day. All of
her school books (41 boxes) have been shipped to her new school in Denver,
CO. Now she is working on packing her personal things.

Around 1:30pm we are all getting a little hungry, so plan “A” is to walk
around the campground for a little leg stretching, then a visit to the
clubhouse & then, a drive to Costco for lunch & some last min shopping for
Just before leaving in Darren’s car, Nick calls for my special day. Nick
has been shopping…which he abhors…like his dad, for a ring for Eriko. If
he finds something resembling the description that Eriko has given him, he
e-mails the design he has found to her in Japan & she gives a yea or a
nay. He has not received a “yea” yet!

@ Costco, Kathy & I split a chicken Caesar salad while the rest have their
fill of many different dishes. Then K & I do some quick last min shopping
& return to our bus @ 4:15pm.
We continue our visit & talk for a good 40 min with Darren & Leslie inside
our home on wheels before they leave for their town of Keizer, Oregon. It
was nice getting to know them and their children better.

5:00pm Dinner: leftover Pork stir-fry, whole wheat noodles + Bing cherries.
Then we drive our Suzuki over to Vancouver & enjoy another visit with
Dean, Rochelle, and children before we leave on Tuesday. While Kathy plays
in the backyard with the girls, I talk with Rochelle & Dean inside. Then I
play a game of Junior Monopoly & read 2 books with the girls while Kathy
talks with Dean & Rochelle. We like this family a lot; Monica Kathryn is
our special godchild, and Maggie and Donavan are adorable. I’ve known
Rochelle since she was a child; her dad & I were good buddies. We simply
enjoy spending time with this delightful family of five.

We did have a short discussion before leaving about the possibility of
storing our motor home on their property but realized: They would need to
wire in a 50 amp service; excavate & level the side yard; knock out a 12
foot section of concrete & buy at least a 20 ft section of their
neighbor’s property. I think maybe this is an idea before its time!
Back to the bus @ 8:45pm.

Zack calls from Seattle for my special day. He had a call from Kevin who
had tried to call us earlier & didn’t get through so Zack thought he would
wait & call later. Zack was taking a break from playing Bridge with his

Next I call Kevin in Anchorage & we wish each other a “Happy Father’s
Day.” Kevin has been busy but still has the time to alert me to a notice
for Jury duty August 21st , which I hope to delay til sometime next yr.

Then I call Gordon in Anchorage & we discuss the sale of our RAV 4.

High temp today=81 Lights out: 11:27pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 22, 2005 3:37 PM.

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