Saturday 4 June 2005

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Awake: 9:43am Temp 51 Cloudy Overnight @ Chimacum, WA

Nick calls & leaves a message: his e-mail final exam has arrived but he
invites us to visit him today anyway. We were reluctant to visit him this
day if he had his final to complete…but now, we’ll make a crossing to see
the boys again.
Talk with Kevin in Anchorage 3 times this morning about their cargo
trailer, the 84 Ford Van & our Publix storage unit in Anchorage. They have
volunteered to empty out our “storage stuff” today but they want me to
call Roger @ Publix ASAP. I call Roger; he wants me to fax a termination
letter for our storage unit with my signature so I won’t be charged for
the June rent. “I’ll do it this afternoon” I tell him.

Call & leave a message for Katrina. We find out she has gone bike riding &
then later, camping.

We drive to Bainbridge & catch the 2:10pm ferry to Seattle. A FDX-Kinko’s
is conveniently located at 3rd St. & Marian, so we send a fax to Roger.
Then take the city bus to Queen Anne Hill & visit with Nick for 1.5 hrs
before attending Mass @ St. Anne’s church @ 5:00pm. I forget to shut off
my cell phone in church… & 5 min before Mass begins, it rings a song.
Outside, I talk with Melissa; they are finished clearing out our storage
unit + Roger received our fax & our unit is done with. Now they want to
inventory our things: what to keep & move to PA & what to donate to
Salvation Army? Kathy calls them after mass & gets tough on donating some
good furniture & other good things to the thrift store. We are impressed
with the Foote's progress.

@ Nick’s condo now, Zack, our birthday boy, joins us in looking @ pictures
of Nick growing up….from baby to adult….some very funny & all interesting.

8:30pm Dinner @ India Bistro: Kathy & I split a Tikka Masalla. Delicious!
What was it? Chicken pieces with a few sliced onions & sauce of some sort
& rice but it was very good.

Zack drops Nick @ his condo & then returns us to Pier 52 for the 10:50pm
ferry for Bainbridge. Back to the bus @ 12:22. Another great day!

High temp today=? Lights out: 1:20am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on June 7, 2005 10:58 AM.

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