Awake: 5:02am Temp 46 Cloudy Overnight @ Cheney, Washington
Leave @ 9:30am driving the Suzuki for a tour of Spokane. We do a grid
pattern downtown looking over the city center. There is a lot of downtown
activity with name brand shopping, classic hotels, city parks, pedestrian
traffic etc. We were impressed with the cleanliness of the city + the
hustle-bustle of activity everywhere. At this time, there were many
downtown streets being torn up with heavy equipment working.
We do some light grocery shopping @ Costco & other shopping @ Home Depot
on the east side of town. In the parking lot, Kathy calls Melissa & leaves
a msg. Then I make a call to Floyd, a guy who helped keep our airplanes
flying for our small business in Vancouver, WA back during the late 60’s,
& early 70’s. He left the area in 1978 taking a better job with the FAA in
Spokane, WA. No one answers so I leave a msg.
Since we are in this town with extra time, we decide to find his home if
nothing else. Having his address is a start but our atlas doesn’t show the
detail on streets we could use. A quick stop @ a Shell station & a crude
map drawn by the attendant inside was the ticket. About 2 min before we
reach Floyd’s house, Melissa calls from Anchorage. She is excited & Kathy
is all ears about “the latest plans & happenings” up North. As I approach
a house with the same number as Floyd’s, there is someone in a car trying
to back out of that driveway so I kind of block that car in case it is
Floyd trying to make a clean get-a-way. Yes, it’s Floyd (better known as
Tex) & he’s looking good for his age (70). Tex & I chatter away for at
least 35 min while Kathy & Melissa do the same. Tex lost his wife, Flora,
2 yrs ago so is now traveling the USA visiting his children, friends,
museums & other attractions. He remains the devilish & somewhat tricky
individual that I remember him being some 25 yrs ago. Kathy completes her
talk with Melissa & joins our gabbing and reminiscing. I’m glad we were
able to find Tex @ home & do some catching up. He sure left a huge vacuum
in the aviation arena in Vancouver when he went to Spokane. We are back in
the bus @ 4:00pm.
Then we walk around the campground area for 30 min of exercise.
7:20 Dinner: Pork Chops, broccoli in mozzarella sauce, mashed yams, cooked
apples with balsamic vinegar & sugar snap peas.
Late evening: Watch antenna TV, PBS station: 25th yr anniversary of the
Mount Saint Helens eruption & its return to natural growth. Plus, the
asbestos story in Libby, Montana that started during the 50’s. Both
documentaries were eye openers, even for Kathy.
High temp today=? Lights out: 10:52pm
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