Sunday 22 May 2005

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Awake: 5:25am Temp 48 Sunny & windy Overnight @ Chimacum, WA

Kathy calls Katrina in Anchorage…leaves a msg.
I call my sister Mary Jo & her husband Ed in Lodi, CA. We talk for about
20 min. They are doing fine which is always nice to hear.
Call my cousin Florentz in PA. His wife Anna is using crutches for two
weeks due to a sprained ankle…..otherwise, they are doing well.
Kathy calls her friend Jodi in Memphis, TN. It’s always nice to get
caught up on each other’s family and share a few laughs. Good friends are
a real blessing! During their chatter time, I walk over to the e-mail room
& check our e-mail.

We walk the campground for 45 min of exercise....with the wind blowing our
hair wildly about!

7:05 Dinner: T-bone steak, cauliflower with white stilton cheese and
apricot, baked potato & a fresh salad.

Mid evening: Watch movie using our antenna: “Hoffa” with Jack Nicholson.
An interesting story with a surprise ending that shocked us both.

High temp today=61 Lights out: 11:54pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 25, 2005 4:37 PM.

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