Sunday 1 May 2005

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Awake: 6:22am Temp 46 Cloudy Elevation 4667 ft Overnight @ Grand
Junction, CO

We walk the campground 30 min for exercise.

Kathy makes her famous sourdough pancake breakfast this morning.

Gary calls from Clifton, CO…they arrived last night from Pahrump, NV., &
are staying @ his father’s place with plans to visit us tomorrow.

We take our computer to the campground office & use their modem connection
to pay our monthly credit card bills.

Nick calls from Seattle…we take turns talking with him on our cell phone.
He’s a busy guy these days but it’s obvious that he’s keeping his act

Call my brother Don in Ebensburg. We talk about 20 min.

Jack calls from Memphis…we talk for over an hr. Later this summer, we are
hoping for a rendezvous in Oregon.

7:20 Dinner: T bone steak, sautéed mixed veggies & fresh salad.

Evening time: Watch movie on cable: “The Watch on the Rhine” with Bette
Davis. It didn’t keep Kathy’s attention.

High temp today=59 Lights out: 11:27pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on May 4, 2005 9:14 AM.

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