Saturday 7 May 2005

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Awake: 6:17am Temp 47 Cloudy with drizzle Overnight @ Grand Junction

Kathy does 2 laundry loads this morning. During the drying process, the 50
amp circuit breaker on our campground site failed. I tried resetting the
breaker but only one leg would come back on. So, I turned on our auxiliary
generator to finish the job. Meanwhile I notify the campground owner
Curtis & with an assistant, they got right into replacing the old breaker
with a new one.

@ 2:40 pm we visit Marge & Tom again. We spend over an hr looking at the
wedding pictures of Melissa & Kevin. Then we watch more of their home
movies of their children during the 70’s. @ 4:00pm, we all attend mass @
the Immaculate Heart of Mary church.

6:50pm Dinner with friends of Marge & Tom: Myra & her husband, Rudi, &
Charlotte. Our dinner: hamburgers, brat worst, Rudi’s special diced
tomatoes, fresh veggie plate, chips, baked beans, sliced tomatoes,
lettuce, German potato salad, & Charlotte’s fruit salad. For dessert:
delicious, strawberry & coconut cream pies made by Myra + coffee. We talk
for hrs & leave after 10:30pm. It was a wonderful gathering with tasty
grub & great people.

Watch part of a cable movie: “Red River” with John Wayne, Montgomery Cliff
& Walter Brennan. I haven’t been a John Wayne fan ever but this movie had
my undivided attention….my mate however, began trying to distract me with
a motor noise of some sort, so I decided I’d watch the rest of this movie
some other time.

High temp=71 Lights out: 12:08am

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