Tuesday 29 March 2005

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Awake 5:20am Temp 48 Mostly sunny Overnight @ Barnardo, N.M.

After breakfast, I walk to the campground office & use the modem line for
e-mail check.

Leave the Kiva RV Park @ 11:22am. Very windy today...set our cruise
control on 50 mph. X-winds with gusts. I am glad it's a short trip.

Today's travel: 56 min 29.8 miles 4.3 gal 7.5 mpg 37.1 avg speed

We missed the turn going toward the campground & spent 15 min in Socorro
finding a suitable place to make a 180 degree turn back to that
campground. Arrive @ Casey's Socorro RV park @ 12:22pm. It's big rig
friendly but we both mis-interpret parking site instructions & spend
another 15 min or more maneuvering into the proper site. We were pretty
proud of our efficient travel plans today & celebrated later with a glass
of our favorite wine before dinner.

Before dinner however, we drive the Suzuki into town(5 min) & do a driving
tour of Socorro, population around 10,000. An old town but keeping it's
downtown active.

7:00pm Dinner: Kathy's famous chili with Triscuits.

Late evening: Watch show on local channel: "The race across Africa."
Elevation: 4693 Today's high temp=65 Lights out: 10:26pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 9, 2005 9:20 AM.

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