Tuesday 19 April 2005

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Awake: 5:54am Temp Clear & windy Overnight @ Newberry Springs, CA

After breakfast, we walk over to the office & say goodbye & thanks to Jan
& Jen for their hospitality & our Sunday evening party.

Leave the Twin Lakes RV Park @ 10:12am. The wind is still from the
Southwest & we are traveling Northeast today so this is in our favor. I-15
to Nevada has several mountain passes & valleys...climbing to about 4000
ft, then descending to maybe 3000 ft, then back to nearly 4000 ft again. A
scenic route for sure, but not very good for gas mileage.

Today's travel: 3+11 hrs 145.3 miles 18.63 gal 7.85 mpg 48.2 avg speed

Arrive @ the Las Vegas International RV Resort @ 1:16pm. The is the newest
campground in Las Vegas(3 yrs). It's very nice, modern, of course, with
instant on phone service, 8 BIG & clean showers, BIG rig friendly & priced
right. When checking in, we are told that next month, the campground will
be closed; the property will be bulldozed & building will begin on single
family homes(105). The owners have calculated they can make more money on
real estate with less maintenance with the conversion.

Gary & Grace call from Pa. Gary's Mom passed away Saturday night
peacefully after we talked. She was over 90.

5:20 Dinner: Chicken broccoli stir fry with brown rice & garlic bread.

We drive up the road & do some light grocery shopping @ Albertson's.

Mid evening: Mark calls from Washington State. He reports that their
camping travels thru Oregon, Washington & Canada have been great.

Kathy calls her brother Skip(Phil) here in town. We are planning on a
rendezvous later this week.

No TV tonight...we read our magazines.

High temp today=74 Lights out: 11:06pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 23, 2005 12:12 PM.

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