Thursday 14 April 2005

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Awake: 6:24am Temp 56 Hazy Overnight @ San Diego, CA

Casual morning for both of us. later we drive downtown to the US Navy pier
on Harbor Drive. From here we can easily see 3 aircraft carriers, the USS
midway, the USS Constitution & the USS Ronald Reagan. A sight to behold,
for sure.

We spend over 4 hrs self touring the retired USS Midway aircraft carrier.
Using a small digital recorder device named Antennaudio, we are guided by
numbers & arrows throughout the ship from Bow to Stern, from port to
starboard & vertical for 3 decks: Hangar deck; second deck & flight deck.
To finish our tour we were escorted up about 40 stair steps to the primary
flight control tower, where the takeoffs & landings on the flight deck are
orchestrated. Here we have a fellow who served on this ship during the
active years that gave us a 15 min dissertation on how the operation
worked when they had a fleet of 20 jets departing on a mission & then
returning from that mission. A very busy & coordinated flight deck it had
to be.

Next, we walk toward the Bow & climb a few more stairs leading to the
Pilot House & Navigation Bridge. Another gentleman gives us a briefing on
how the navigation of the ship is handled & steered in & out of ports.
Keep in mind that this ship was built in 1945, weighs 70,000 tons & is
1001 ft long. Yes, it’s old technology today but during its heyday yrs, it
was the best there was. Without a doubt, it’s a very impressive floating
museum which is now being carefully restored to its former glory & is
permanently berthed on the South side of the Navy pier in San Diego Bay.
Back to our bus @ 4:20pm.

Just as we are arriving into our camping site, we see Larry pushing his
granddaughter, Molly, in a carriage on our street. We met Larry about 4
days ago & enjoyed some good conversation. He casually asked if sometime,
he & his wife could have a tour of our motor home. Today he reminds us
that he would still like to have a tour of our coach. We tell him 5:00pm
or later will be fine.

Shortly after 5:00, Larry, his wife Sally, son Alex & granddaughter Molly
in the buggy are here. Kathy gives them the nickel tour. Before they
leave, they invite us over to their motor home after our dinner.

6:30pm Dinner: Rib eye steak, cauliflower & red peppers, fried noodles,
fresh mixed salad + bread.

@ 7:00 we visit Larry & Sally in their motorhome & their visiting family;
son, Alex; daughter, Debby, and husband, Ethan, & 6 month old son, Zeb; &
their dog Mazel. Larry’s dog, Tigger, was also there. It was a busy time,
but a fun visit with some nice people.

Today’s high temp=65 Lights out: 11:14pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 19, 2005 3:58 PM.

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