Sunday 3 April 2005

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Awake 6:02am Temp 59 Some high clouds Overnight @ Yuma, Arizona

Leave the KOFA campground @ 11:11am. Smooth roads all the way with little
wind until we reach the mountain passes. Watching our GPS elevation page
on our navigation system in the motorhome, we see minus 90 ft while
passing thru the El Centro town of California. During our ups & downs of
crossing over the Vallecito mountains, our GPS would read over 4200 ft at
the highest, then read 2400 ft down thru a valley or two, then back to
4000 ft, etc. Obviously a good method for good gas mileage & brake checks.

We arrive @ the Rancho Los Coches RV park in Lakeside, California @
2:45pm. This park is over 30 yrs old with some updating & NOT BIG rig

Today's travel: 3+39 time 161 miles 22.9 gal 7.45 mpg 50.1 avg speed

Bill, the campground host, takes us for a golf cart ride to show us
options for a parking site. We narrowed it down to one of our three
choices. Luckily Kathy had 2 guys helping her with signals to me so we
could fit into site #24. Leo in my right rear mirror, giving hand signal
distance from a tree, Marvin in my front right window, keeping me away
from a parked car & Kathy in my left mirror watching the distance from the
electrical post & sewer connection left rear. It was tight!

When I called to make reservations, Carol told me that they have had some
motorhomes our size in their campground. Hmmmm!

We thanked Leo & Marvin for their help....then walked around this park for
for 30 min for exercise.

7:00pm Dinner: Pork chops, asparagus with fresh orange slices & olive oil,
fried noodles with croutons, & 4 bean salad from Costco.

Watch movie on cable: "G.I. Jane" with Demi Moore. A little heavy on the
action side.

High temp today=83 Lights out: 11:12pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 10, 2005 11:14 AM.

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