Saturday 23 April 2005

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Awake: 6:05am Temp 64 A few clouds & wind Overnight @ Las Vegas, NV

We sign up for yet…another day of camping here @ the RV Park.

Kathy spends time updating our 2004 photo album while I take some time to
read & be familiar with our new Samsung cell phone. During some of this
time, Mother Nature showers us with a few bursts of rain.

Then…outside, we give each other a haircut. This is only the 2nd time
Kathy has let me cut her hair. In windy conditions, it was a very tricky
ordeal for both of us, especially doing the layering style. She gives me a
“B” grade; I give her an “A.”

Next we attend 5:00pm mass @ St. Peter the Apostle church in Henderson (10
min). En route to the bus, we make a quick stop @ Wal-Mart.

8:30 Dinner: This is not a typo: Crab cakes from Costco, leftover
asparagus & roasted red peppers in a parmesan sauce.

No TV again tonight. High temp today=82 Lights out: 10:58pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 30, 2005 1:55 PM.

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