Friday 25 March 2005

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Awake 6:28am Temp 46 Cloudy Overnight @ Newell campground

Our overnight water leak test was again successful with the heavy rain.
Only a few drops found in one of our basement storage units.

Leave the Newell Service campground @ 8:50am. We take the back roads(2
lane & smooth) to avoid the Oklahoma toll roads...which can be expensive
for our 5 axles. Unfortunately, in bypassing Tulsa & trying to stay on Hwy
75 South, we end up magically on Interstate 44, a toll road. We had our
GPS on min freeway travel & it must have led us to the toll road. Even tho
we were both watching, signs were NOT obvious. As soon as we realized we
were on the toll road, we exited @ the next toll booth. The lady @ the
booth didn't charge us for what road we used because "a lot of people get
misled" she said. "The signs are not marked very well." Getting back on
Hwy 75 took some time & back on the 2 lane roads again for about 40 min.
Did we save on that maneuver? It's a toss up!

Once on I-40, cornering headwinds fight our fuel mileage all the way to
Amarillo. Arrive @ the Amarillo Ranch RV park @ 6:25pm, just before

Today's travel: 9+43 hrs 521.5 miles 65.8 gal 7.93 mpg 54.9 avg speed.

We talked about not doing these long legs anymore...but this morning when
watching the weather channel, it became obvious that I-20 Southwest bound
would not be the way to go....heavy rains & thunderstorms forecasted. If
we could make Amarillo today, all we would have to contend with is a day
of snow/rain forecasted for tomorrow, then sunshine.

8:55pm Dinner: Crab cakes with baked potatoes & mixed fresh salad.

Watch movie on cable: "Superman II" with Chris Reeves. Good movie.

High temp today=61 Elevation 4762 ft. Lights out: 11:40pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on April 2, 2005 9:07 AM.

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