Wednesday 23 February 2005

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Awake 6:03am Temp 47 Overnight showers, then hail, a thunderstorm &
off & on rain throughout the day. Overnight @ Las Cruces, N.M.

We attend 8:15 mass @ the Immaculate Heart of Mary Cathedral(10 min
drive)from our campground. A large church, they had quite a few buckets
scattered about the church inside to catch the water from their leaking
flat roof. Afterward, we try in vain to find the Farmer's Market @ the
downtown mall...somehow we missed seeing it.

Due to the not so nice weather today, we spend hrs hanging out in our
coach...Kathy working on her photo album project...I, planning on our next
destination. Today we join another camping organization called: "Passport
America." This group expands our campground options to 800 more choices.

At times today, the ground was covered with hail everywhere in our
campground. In between waves of nasty weather, I would take my computer,
along with my umbrella, to the nearby club house & log on.

8:20pm Dinner: Delicious beef stew, fresh salad & multi-grain toast.

Late evening, we watch a video from the club house: "Tin Cup." A fairly
entertaining flick.

High temp today= 69 Lights out: 12:32 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 2, 2005 6:26 AM.

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