Wednesday 16 February 2005

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Awake 5:22am Temp 50 Early rain..then some sun Overnight Sun City, AZ

The 4 of us attend 8:00am mass @ St. J & A. Gary & Rosemary leave shortly
after we return from church. Their next overnight stop will be Benson, AZ.
We wish them a bon voyage & maybe we'll see them in Pa this summer?

Because of the early rain, I get the telescoping ladder out to clean water
off the top of the slides before retracting them.

@10:50am we leave the Al & Wilma Rancho Ventura hangout & head down the
highway. The Rancho Ventura parking sites have worked out well for us
these last 3 yrs, & these people have been real good folks to accommodate
our motorhome + keep an eye on it during our trips back to Alaska. Now,
being full time RV gypsies, we may not get back here for awhile...&, if Al
sells the place & his 12 acres, things will undoubtly change.

Today's travel: 3 hrs 57 min 217 miles 26.4 gal of fuel 8.2 mpg 56 avg

Arrive @ the Lifestyle RV Resort in Willcox, AZ @ 2:45pm. Small campground
but big rig friendly. We have a phone line on site for an extra $2.00/day
& free Wi-fi.

6:15 Dinner: Leftover chili & bread.

Some cable TV watching during evening time.

Today's high temp=71 Elevation here=4300 ft Lights out: 11:11pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 1, 2005 10:22 AM.

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