Saturday 19 March 2005

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Awake 7:15am Temp 37 Clear Overnight @ Newell campground

Casual morning in the campground. Not much's too cold
outside for us Alaskans.

Shortly after 12 noon, we drive downtown Miami(10 min) to tour their
famous 1929 Coleman Theatre...only to find out, their hrs are 10:00am to
noon on Sat. Oh well, we'll try another time. Then we do a driving tour of
the west side of Miami. Some big stately homes in this area. Goodrich had
a huge plant here operating from 1946 until it closed in 1986. It was the
biggest employer in the city. We rode around the west side for 20 min. My
sister Mary Jo called just before noon on our poor reception cell phone.
So now that we're back in the Newell campground, I take our test phone
into the bldg & return her call using our calling card. She reports all is
going well & we update each other on our family activities. Kathy goes for
her walk.

Later, in talking with Jim, to whom I had mentioned just yesterday that we
were searching in Joplin for an upgraded tow bar, he tells me that he has
a upgraded model in his basement from the previous owner that he might not
need. We both look @ his extra hitch, which is in great shape & now I have
to so some homework & find out what the new ones are selling for & does
his extra one have all the necessary parts. I'll schedule that for Monday.

We attend 5:00pm mass @ the Sacred Heart church.

7:45 Dinner: Italian sausage from Johnstown, PA., & freshly made spaghetti
sauce with meat & mushrooms + fresh salad. One of my favorite meals.

Late evening: Watch cable movie:"Adams Rib" with Spencer Tracy & Katharine
Hepburn. A great flick.

High temp today=58 Lights out: 11:42pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on March 22, 2005 7:15 AM.

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