Friday 4 February 2005

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Awake 5:45 am Temp outside 51 Some high clouds Overnight: Sun City, AZ

Kathy & I review a card file containing our 1971 wedding shower and
wedding invitation responses, gifts received, thank yous sent, etc. I
didn't know she had saved these cards for some 34 yrs! It was interesting
to review them....reminiscing about the people, wondering if they are
still alive & where they are now? We update our address book as best as we
can...then toss those cards.

Last night when talking with Frank & Kay, they mentioned their friends who
are staying at a camping resort Northwest of here called, Happy Trails. So
today, we take a drive to this 400 acre resort that has 2000 camping
sites. It's a gated community so we sign up for a tour with Bob. He drives
us around for 30 mins showing us some of the amenities & the many creative
styles that the campsite owners build on their property. There are
motorhomes, 5th wheelers, trailers, park model units, mobile/manufactured
homes, etc. It's all very organized, clean & well laid out. Bob shows us
several sites that came up for sale. The one had a 2 story storage shed
with washer/dryer, refrigerator & air conditioner inside. The entire site
is under an aluminum cover with canvas flaps to shade out the sun &
wind...and includes an outside kitchen & patio. All of this for only
$115,000. Nice setup but we are not ready to settle down in one spot just

From here, we do some light shopping @ Fry's, Costco, Albertsons, AJ Fine
Foods & Trader Joe's before returning to the Rancho Ventura @ 4:30.

6:15 Dinner: Kathy's delicious meat loaf with gravy, baked potato,
asparagus & crimini mushrooms in a garlic marinated mozzarella cheese
sauce + fresh salad.

Evening time: Call Gary & Grace...leave msg. Kathy reads a novel while I
begin looking at routes & mileage for our next adventure.

High temp today=66 Lights out: 10:35 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 6, 2005 1:12 PM.

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