Friday 11 February 2005

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Awake 4:50am Temp 55 Steady rain...some flooding in Phoenix
Overnight Sun City, AZ

Attend 8:00am mass @ St. J & A. Even with this rain, the attendance in
church was impressive.
Our plan today: To meet with Bill & Diane @ Scottsdale Road & Highway
101(a 45 min drive)....then take one car & drive North to Cave Creek &
explore the area + have dinner. We half expected them to call & cancel due
to heavy rain but they didn't & we drove in the heavy rain to the
rendezvous point. As soon as we met, we all agreed to forego the idea of
Cave Creek & instead just have a light lunch & walk around in the upscale
stores nearby & stay dry. Actually it was an interesting afternoon with
some good talk & bonding with Bill & Diane. Back to the coach @ 5:00pm.

6:00 Dinner: Tuna casserole, mixed cooked veggies, leftover romaine
lettuce salad & leftover bread from Mimi's Cafe.

Mid evening: Watch local TV channel movie " Water Dance." Not too shabby!

Late evening, watch news of local flooding coverage in the Phoenix area.

High temp today= low 60's Lights out: 11:08 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on February 27, 2005 4:09 PM.

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