Wednesday 5 January 2004

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Awake 8:02 am Temp downtown 27 Partly cloudy 5 hrs 51 min daylight

Kathy makes bacon, eggs & toast for breakfast.

I remove the back seats from the RAV 4, then Kathy & I manhandle the sofa
& cushions (Kevin & Zack carried this to the upper garage on Sunday)and
slide it into the car. Then tie some plastic around the section of the
sofa that hangs out from the rear & tie the door tight against the sofa
with a red flag on the rope. We drive to our storage bldg near Costco with
the rear door open. This is our 1st trip to our small storage unit. We
think we can get all the remaining things we can use & need in Anchorage
plus our RAV 4 into this 10X20 heated unit.

Next, buy fuel for our car, do some light shopping @ Costco, visit the
library to get a few movies, stop @ FSBO to sign the extension to the
contract for the 18 January closing change, & visit two credit unions for
banking business.

@ 4:40 pm we drive at the Foote family condo for a visit & dinner. Melissa
is the chef tonight since Kevin is back to working @ the University after
the holidays. We spend some time playing with Matthew. He learns fast &
interacts well for his 12.5 months. He's very delightful to hang out with.

Kevin arrives home @ 5:10. Dinner @ 5:30. Chicken potato casserole with
cooked apple and sweet pepper side dish & fresh green salad. Lime moose
for dessert. Very good meal.
Shortly after dinner, Matthew starts showing signs of fatigue & this is
the signal for his bath time...& our clue to leave the scene. It was a
nice visit.
Afterward, we stop @ the nearby Fred Meyer store to buy milk & pick up
more boxes for packing. Back home @ 7:25 pm.

10:15 pm Watch library movie: "Victor Victoria." Amusing flick but rather
simple in the plot status.
Lights out: 1:05 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 7, 2005 11:17 PM.

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