Saturday 29 January 2005

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Awake 6:18 am Temp 45 Clear sky..then light rain Overnight Tucson, AZ

Kathy does 3 laundry loads this morning. I vacuum the carpets in the
living room, bedroom & the walk-in-closet. Kathy vacuums the higher areas.

Tucson city water seems to taste pretty good to us plus Beaudry filters it
even more coming into their campground. So, I fill our 161 gallon fresh
water tank up full.
Early afternoon, we walk to Camping World & purchase both the 2005 yr
Trailer Life & Woodall's campground directories. On the return walk, we
tour through a few motorhomes on display before & after our free lunch @
the BIG tent. Same menu as yesterday but hey, for free take, to
buy...waste time.

@ 4:00 pm we drive over to the Pima Air & Space Museum for a entrance
photo that I was not able to get on Tuesday's tour. Then we drive West on
Valencia road to the "white dove of the desert." The Mission San
Zavier De Bac & attend 5:30 Mass. This church was built in 1797 & has been
going through a major renovation for the last many yrs now. Being there
for Mass was outstanding. We take a few photos & walk around...then back
to campground by 6:45pm.

Tonight we are invited to the BIG tent for the Country Western Pam Tillis
show. You might remember her father Mel, the only time he didn't stutter
was when he was singing. We are both hungry so we each take a jar of mixed
nuts & a bottle of grape juice in our pockets. It was a bit crowded but a
real foot tapper & very entertaining.
Today's high temp=63 Lights out: 11:16 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 31, 2005 5:00 PM.

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