Monday 3 January 2005

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Awake 6:00 am Temp downtown 38 Cloudy 5 hrs 46 min daylight

Kathy establishes frequent flyer airline tickets for our departure from
Alaska to Sun City, AZ where we begin our gypsy lifestyle before the end
of January.

Call Cindy @ Newell Coach & sign up for the Tucson, AZ rally in January.

I begin making many phone calls for a change of address.

Rich & Peg visit & take our antique sewing machine. They have done so many
favors for the Foote family & us too, so they got a good deal.

During the afternoon, I continue to sort thru our bedroom things to be
sent to the motorhome, be stored in Anchorage, or sent back to PA.

Kathy does (7)laundry loads: Bedding, sheets, blankets, mattress pads,
towels, etc.

7:00 pm Dinner: Leftover stuffing with turkey breast & gravy, cranberries,
orange, pecan, sweet potatoes; fresh salad & toast.

8:00 pm We watch PBS "American Experience." Part II of Woodrow Wilson's
presidency. Things I didn't remember or never knew about his 2nd term as
president. For example, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Some X-word puzzle late evening.
Lights out: 11:54 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 6, 2005 10:16 AM.

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