Friday 7 January 2005

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Awake 5:52 am Temp downtown 13 Clear here-Ice fog over city 5 hrs 58 min

We call my sister Corinne this morning @ Johnstown Memorial Hospital in
PA. She is talking better than last evening & she says she feels alright
but tired. All tests continue to come up negative.

Mid morning, my buddy Ray calls from Long Beach, WA. We cover many
subjects during our 45 min. Both he & his wife Sharon are enjoying having
their son Nate home from college for the holidays.

We move my coveted 1974 Heathkit 25" TV into the RAV 4. This was quite a
job for us seniors. That piece of equipment is heavy so we used 2, 2"
wooden dowels to roll it along the floor & out to the upper garage. I
built this TV in about 2 months & the beauty of it was that I could fix &
tune it up whenever it had problems. It was our 1st color TV & high tech
for it's time. Sometime during the 90's, it became more difficult to get
repair parts...but then my cousin back in PA who owned & operated a TV
shop for over 50 yrs came to the rescue. Then that source too eventually
dried up & with no more parts available, it has to go. We also load up
some scrap metal & 5 gal of used oil...& head to our local refuse center.
I was being careful not to scratch the beautiful cabinet then Kathy
reminded me that this is going to the dump! "It'll be smashed you know"
she said! As it tumbled 10 ft down into the pit, one side of the cabinet
came apart & I could clearly see the brain of the beast....Ouch! I also
had a small but heavy hydraulic jack to toss into the pit & Kathy wanted
me to aim for the picture tube. I just couldn't do that...thinking maybe
someone might rescue that BIG beautiful unit before the crusher cometh.
Amazing how we do get attached to things from our past. As we drove away,
I thought of how many good programs: movies, documentaries, new casts etc
that it brought into our home over the yrs. It served us well. Moments
later, I smiled for having had the experience of keeping it alive all of
these yrs.

After that refuse visit, we drive over to the Atlas Van Lines & buy 2
cardboard hanging garment boxes. Then back home @ 2:03 pm.

I finish cleaning out my bedroom drawers while Kathy finishes her kitchen
desk drawers.
6:50 Dinner: "T" bone steak with leftover sweet potatoes & fresh salad.

After dinner, call my other sister in Lodi, CA. Things are going well for
them. Their holidays were good & they enjoyed having all 3 of their
children home to celebrate.

Begin watching library DVD movie: "L.A. Confidential." Somebody started
falling asleep after 20 min so we'll simply try again tomorrow night.

Light out: 12:35 am

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on January 10, 2005 10:10 AM.

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