Wednesday 17th November 2004

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Awake 5:56 am Temp downtown 28 cloudy, later sun 7 hrs 4 min of daylight

No Alaska Club exercise today. I've been wanting to take a week day off
for over 2 weeks now. 5 days in a row is more that I need or want. The
boss finally agreed to our Wednesdays off. What a toughie she is!
Lots of phone calls today.

Randy calls: He's involved in the property management of the Park Place
Buildings where we are trying to buy a condo. He said he would give a call
if he found anyone in the building who might be thinking of selling their
condo...but for now, he knows nothing.
Call Mary Berry(our cruise consultant) in Seattle. I ask a few more
questions, then pay the deposit & insurance for our 62 day cruise leaving
October, 2005. I am excited to be a part of this adventure.

Call Rosie. We talk about the Park Place condos. She is going to do some
checking & will call us back later.
Call Jeff & leave msg.
And that's a small sample of our calls.
7:00 pm Dinner: Pecan crusted chicken casserole with asparagus, tomatoes &
boursin cheese plus leftover rice.

Late evening: we watch behind the scenes of movie "Sea Biscuit." On a DVD
movie, sometimes they will have interesting technical exposure of how the
movie was filmed that one would never imagine.

Lights out: 11:40 pm

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