Tuesday December 21 2004

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Awake 9:00 am Temp downtown 15 Light snow Overnight Anchorage, Alaska
5 hrs 28 min daylight

Katrina & Nick upstairs @ 10:00 am. Zack wakes up as we are eating a
breakfast of french toast with bacon. That guy has a nose for mealtime.

Melissa & little Matthew visit @ 1:30. Both boys play with Matthew & the
toys Kathy bought from the thrift store over the past month. Good toys for
a fraction of their original cost. Melissa is on jury duty this week so
Kevin is working half days @ the university & babysitting the other half.
Melissa & Matthew can only stay for about an hour.

It's a lazy afternoon for us as we just sit around & talk family stuff.

6:30 Dinner: Honey mustard pork tenderloin, roasted red potatoes with
parmesan cheese & herbs, glazed apples & toast.

After dinner, more casual family talk in our living room with the
fireplace roaring.

Lights out: 11:37 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 29, 2004 2:38 PM.

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