Tuesday 7 December 2004

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Awake 6:16 am Temp downtown 20 Some sun 5 hrs 47 min daylight

Start working @ 9:30 am, when it's light enough to see without a
flashlight, on the outside West porch. I am wiring in a GFIC breaker with
the latest weather resistant bubble box to satisfy the new code. Although
the temp is cold, there is no wind & it's very dry so I'm doing fine
without gloves. The box doesn't fit well because of the cedar siding. I'll
need to form fit this with other tools, so for now, I leave this project &
move to the outside lower garage.

Here also is an outside outlet that needs to be protected with a GFIC
breaker & it's bubble box cover. I am making good progress when Kathy
announces I have a phone call. It's my buddy Gary from Landenburg, PA.
He's the guy along with his wife who flew into a nearby airport & visited
us for a day(October 3) in Nicktown. Well, today's Gary's birthday. It's
raining & dreary in his hometown & he's wondering is our weather any
better than his & are we comfortable? OK, I try to make him feel better by
giving the snow & cold report of Anchorage but he's not that impressed. We
talk for 50 min & his wife joins us on the line also. He's driving his
coach to the Newell factory on Friday & wants to know what our plans are
for next yr. It was nice talking with them & we do wish Gary a "Happy
Birthday" in spite of his weather.

Kathy encourages me to take a break & eat some of her hot tomato meatball
soup for lunch. Wow! It was the perfect meal for a cold weather time out.

Shawn from Alas Co visits to check our attic vent problem. After much
theorizing & talking about remedies, he agrees to give us an estimate
tomorrow for replacement of 20 baffles.

6:55 Dinner: Leftover veggi pasta with Italian sausage, basil chicken,
cranberry sauce & leftover salad.

Mid evening: Finish watching "Bowling for Columbine." Truly an eye opener
& disturbing to watch.

Since the evening is so young & Kathy is so beautiful, we start watching
another library DVD movie: "Simon Birch." Now this flick...so far is a
delightful change in entertainment. We watch about 1/2 tonight.

lights out: 11:47 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 10, 2004 9:23 PM.

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