Thursday 2 December 2004

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Awake 7:05 am Temp downtown 31 Snow & fog 6 hrs 2 min daylight

Kathy & I reset our brown toilet back into place this morning using the
Fluid Master "No Seep #3 wax ring." I flush it a few times, then go
downstairs & check the game closet hole in the visible leaks.
I'll wait a few days to be sure that all is well before I patch up that

Mid morning, I finish nailing the trim on the storage unit in the lower
garage...then install the door knob. This all should have been done before
we bought this house, but we were still in the lower 48 when our realtor
checked it out and all these yrs, it was not a big deal to me.

Shawn calls from Alas Co. He was scheduled to visit us & talk about our
attic air vents & baffles being blocked but....a recently scheduled
meeting has changed that. He will be here on Tues around 2:00 ish.

6:15 Dinner: Chicken veggi stir fry with rice & fruit salad.

Mid evening: Watch library DVD movie: "Leap of Faith." I liked this flick
& Kathy easily stayed awake.

Some reading in bed. Lights out: 11:12 pm

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 10, 2004 9:04 PM.

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