Thursday 16 December 2004

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Awake 6:00 am Temp 29 Partly sunny 5 hrs 30 min daylight

Last night when talking to our realtor, Rosie, about downtown condos, she
said: "Lets go look at those two condos Kathy found in the newspaper
yesterday." So mid morning we drive to the office of Rosie on Denali
Street & talk about what we are about to see. Then she drives us downtown
to an area that just begins the industrial zone of Anchorage.

Kathy is immediately turned off by this location. In the past, she has
volunteered a lot in the downtown area & never felt comfortable about this
zone. There are some 20 condos in the building that we enter. It looks
good on the outside & very nice on the inside. We take the elevator to the
3rd floor & meet the condo owners. Both units were very nice & in great
condition...& the bldg is clean & well kept. The only problem we see &
agree on is this location. Too industrial for us. So we thank the condo
owners & head back to Rosie's office for more talk about what kind of
condo & what location we are looking for.

After leaving Rosie's office, we split a Rubin sandwich @ the Amsterdam
Cafe. Then spend 45 min @ Barnes & Noble...drop Kathy off @ the Elite Hair
Style place for her haircut while I go to Home Depot and purchase some new
flexible ducting for our dryer at home. Back to our house @ 5:30.

I spend 45 min trying to install that new flexible ducting to the exhaust
duct on our dryer but it's not a tight fit. I'll need to fine tune this
project later.

7:05 Dinner: Leftover night: Beef stew with noodles, salad & fresh cottage
cheese with fruit.

Finish packing suitcases for travel later tonight/tomorrow.

11:00 pm. We drive to the airport, stopping @ a recycle center to rid
ourselves of glass & newspapers.

No lights out yet!!

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This page contains a single entry by George Monte Kirsch published on December 23, 2004 9:20 AM.

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